Motion Media

Besucher auf Messestand mit Offenen Struktur . HUSUM Wind - Innenminister Niedersachsen Boris Pistorius

Messestand & Kommunikation . Virtual Reality | Erneuerbare Energie


Wir bringen Wind Weiter

Von der kreativen Konzeption über ein herausragendess Design bis hin zur barrierefreien technischen Umsetzung – der Messestand für Alterric auf der Fachmesse HUSUM Wind. Das neue Gemeinschaftsunternehmen der Aloys Wobben Stiftung, Eigentümerin des Windturbinenherstellers Enercon, und der EWE AG zeigt sein Gesicht in der Branche und stellt seine Aktivitäten und Lösungsansätze für den Weg in eine klimaneutrale Energiezukunft vor. Alterric gehört zu den größten Grünstromerzeugern in Zentraleuropa. Die Mission: Windkraft europaweit als elementaren Beitrag zu Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit vorantreiben.

Die nationalen und internationalen Experten informieren über Projektentwicklung, Planung, Bau, Betrieb, Repowering und Grünstrom als Rohstoff der Zukunft. Zugleich sucht das Unternehmen den direkten Dialog mit Kunden und Partnern und treffen sich auf der Messe Fachleute, um über neue Projektideen zu diskutieren und individuelle Partnerlösungen anzubahnen. Potenzielle Mitarbeiter, die am Erfolg des Unternehmens mitwirken wollen, können Alterric als Arbeitgeber kennenlernen.

Kunde: Alterric GmbH
Agentur-Leistungen | Idee & Entwurf Messestand . Konzeption Mediaträger & Motion Media . Dreh Virtual Reality Film . Erstellung Kontent . Motion Media Design . Projectmanagement . Produktion

➜ Website ALTERRIC . Onshore Windenergy

➜ Website HUSUM Wind . Transforming Energy

➜ Mobiles Livestream-Studio für Messe Webcast

➜ Messe Podcast

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Entwurf und Bau Messestand | Düsseldorf . Köln . Frankfurt . Berlin . Leipzig . Hannover . Hamburg . München: zB Trendset, bauma, M&T Expo, Bits & Pretzels, WETEX, Babini, ISPO Munich, Heim+Handwerk.

video livestream control panel, technician and mobile studio

⏩ Livestream Studio Setup at Company Office

Support in making the shift from physical to online experience marketing

Enabling client to run virtual and hybrid events from their offices. Read More

Blick auf Livestream Technik im mobiles Studio

Live Streaming Services for Online & Hybrid Events

DAILY BREAD’s Livestream Team

delivers fullservice livestream, podcast, video and audio production and broadcasting for online and hybrid events. Enabling digital access to your audiences for both internal and external communications, hasslefree and stable. When whished, the stream can be published on a local dedicated platform, to keep content protected.

Best of Both Worlds
DAILY BREAD offers executive video produktion as part of it’s portfolio, besides that we’re consultants and creators in live communication and experience marketing. So we can support in the technical field of a livestream studio and we can support in development and production of online event formats and content.

Your Content . You Rule
Publish live streams while keeping legal ownership of your content: employee chats, video, audio, presentation slides or CRM and sales knowhow. GDPR-conform (DGSVO), servers hosted in Germany. Each streaming session can be branded along your whishes, your corporate design.

Professional Equipment
All equipment has been selected for agility and flexibility, so we can come to almost any place you think of. Light recording equipment also create a more open studio-atmosphere, so people new to broadcasting are more at ease. The well-known heavy TV-cameras can be offered from our studio locations or in a larger studio build-ups in a studio.

All-around webcasting management

Employee event – Board meeting – Product launch – Press release – Digital Conference – Sales Support
We come to your office with team & equipment or you come to a venue or a studio that’s fitting to your needs.
Online only or at a safe venue setup with a selected audience. In close collaboration with clients, we’ve worked in proven concepts of hygienic care.

Interested to hear more about our dedicated services?

PHONE : +49 202 282 50

ask for Niklas Mohr

E-MAIL : Please contact me

Wir sprechen Deutsch . We spreken Nederlands

Live Streaming Production Services

Safe Venue Concept
Stage Setup
Corporate Branding
Online Event
Virtual Meeting
Live-Stream Studio
Pop-Up Studio
Content Creation
Event Concept
Project Management
Technical Planning
Video Direction
Sound Engineer
Video Mixer
Data Collecting
Content Management
All Equipment
Full HD


Servers located in Germany

➜ DAILY BREAD Contact Details

Visual Erklärvideo 'MyEnergyCloud' Familie fährt in Urlaub - Vater am Grill in München

Erklärvideo Strom-Cloud

Glück ist ein Gefühl, das grösser wird wenn man es teilt.

Seit Generationen setzen die Menschen in nördlichen Regionen ihr Vertrauen in die Marke EWE, auch, weil diese immer am Puls der Zeit ist.

Private Solarsystembesitzer stehen fast alle vor dem gleichen Problem: Im Sommer produziert man mehr Strom, als man speichern kann und im Winter geht einem die Energie aus. Das neue Modell einer ‘Strom-Cloud’ soll Abhilfe schaffen. Überschüssiger Solarstrom wird als Guthaben in die myEnergyCloud gebucht, einem virtuellen Strom-Konto, und kann bei Bedarf zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wieder abgebucht und bezogen werden. Damit auch wetterabhängige erneuerbare Solar-Energie eine zuverlässige Versorgung garantieren kann. Mit der myEnergyCloud machen Solarsystem-Besitzer sich unabhängig vom Strommarkt.

Wie geht das?

Leistungen | Kreation . Erstellung Video Skript . Kontent . Graphic Design . Filmmusik . Art Direction . Project Management . Produktion Erklärvideo

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➜ Referenzen

Link zum Angebot bei EWE ZuhauseSolar
Explainer video screenshot: landscape. windmills, redox battery

World’s largest Battery Brine4Power | Explainer Video

EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Oldenburg based utility company EWE AG, plans to build world’s largest battery by employing the redox flow battery principle – well known among engineers.

Along with the use of new, environmentally friendly components in underground salt caverns, the project can be seen as innovative on a world scale, solving one of the key problems in the energy transition: the storage of green produced electricity. These kinds of caverns are currently used to store natural gas. The project has been baptised “Brine4Power” or “b4p“.

Although engineers in the field of electricity storage are known with the technical principles of the battery, journalists in general will not. DAILY BREAD has been asked to concept and produce an explainer video to be used at the international press conference where the innovative project wil be launched. Both video and visuals have been used worldwide in serious and popular articles.

Teenager in partyclothes tries to sneak out the house

Cross Channel Marketing Campaign | Product launch

Multi-Channel Advertising & POS Campaign new Product Line ‘Smart Living’

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Two guys on skateboards at an Amsterdam Highway, town by a Opel Adam car

Product Launch & Sales Training

Creation & Production B2B Sales Event for Opel NL

Develop three innovative concepts to sell Opel car model Adam to new target groups, put brand- and product experience at the heart of the introduction campaign. Organise car launch events, develop a five-day sales training concept for car dealers and fleetowners, integrate social media.

Insight: To sell Opel Adam to a new, millennial target group, car dealers and sales persons have to get acquinted with new ways of thinking, they must “Umparken im Kopf“. An ‘Adam pop-up store’ has been developed where Opel Adam was presented to the management of dealers and fleetowners in The Netherlands.
Events were enabling managers to get a feeling for the new urban target groups, enabling to look through their eyes. A tantalizing video clip shows two Amsterdam skateboarders daringly skate Opel Adam.

A project of Dutch partner Rob de Otter / de Otter Creators

Happy fans with Swiss flags singing

360° Media Campaign | Change into Lovebrand

360° Campaign “Hopp Schwiiz” | Urban Hack & Viral Videos

Personal Reference Birgt Kriesche with VOK DAMS Consulting

Develop an experiental marketing action that shows the biggest Swiss Telecom Company is not only a technical service provider, but a brand you can emotionally attach to. The focus should be on Swisscom as sponsor of the Swiss Olympic Team. The action has to fit in the newly developed live-marketing strategy to transform the brand Swisscom into a “love brand”. A strategy developed in collaboration with VOK DAMS Consulting.

Insight & Creation
The in Switzerland very well-known brand Swisscom has a more sober and proficient radiance. People connect the brand to technology service provider from the old world. An experience marketing campaign should be developed that brings the brand in contact with (potential) young customers in a modern, charming, surprising way.

Coming from a flashmob idea an “urban hacking” format has been developed that conncects real, normal Swiss people with the Swiss Olympic Team. Development of an integrated communications plan including publishing on, and sharing via social media channels like YouTube and Facebook, and a Swisscom online platform “Fanbook”. Executive producing of over 40 video-clips, recorded as Urban Hack at Zürich Railstation.

Awarded by the German Art Directors Club (ADC) with a Nail in Bronze.
Awarded with an EVA Award in Gold.

Client: Swisscom, for event agency Vok Dams

Another agency project ➜ Science Communication Campaign