Creative Technologies

Besucher auf Messestand mit Offenen Struktur . HUSUM Wind - Innenminister Niedersachsen Boris Pistorius

Messestand & Kommunikation . Virtual Reality | Erneuerbare Energie


Wir bringen Wind Weiter

Von der kreativen Konzeption über ein herausragendess Design bis hin zur barrierefreien technischen Umsetzung – der Messestand für Alterric auf der Fachmesse HUSUM Wind. Das neue Gemeinschaftsunternehmen der Aloys Wobben Stiftung, Eigentümerin des Windturbinenherstellers Enercon, und der EWE AG zeigt sein Gesicht in der Branche und stellt seine Aktivitäten und Lösungsansätze für den Weg in eine klimaneutrale Energiezukunft vor. Alterric gehört zu den größten Grünstromerzeugern in Zentraleuropa. Die Mission: Windkraft europaweit als elementaren Beitrag zu Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit vorantreiben.

Die nationalen und internationalen Experten informieren über Projektentwicklung, Planung, Bau, Betrieb, Repowering und Grünstrom als Rohstoff der Zukunft. Zugleich sucht das Unternehmen den direkten Dialog mit Kunden und Partnern und treffen sich auf der Messe Fachleute, um über neue Projektideen zu diskutieren und individuelle Partnerlösungen anzubahnen. Potenzielle Mitarbeiter, die am Erfolg des Unternehmens mitwirken wollen, können Alterric als Arbeitgeber kennenlernen.

Kunde: Alterric GmbH
Agentur-Leistungen | Idee & Entwurf Messestand . Konzeption Mediaträger & Motion Media . Dreh Virtual Reality Film . Erstellung Kontent . Motion Media Design . Projectmanagement . Produktion

➜ Website ALTERRIC . Onshore Windenergy

➜ Website HUSUM Wind . Transforming Energy

➜ Mobiles Livestream-Studio für Messe Webcast

➜ Messe Podcast

➜ DAILY BREAD kennenlernen? Wir freuen uns.

Entwurf und Bau Messestand | Düsseldorf . Köln . Frankfurt . Berlin . Leipzig . Hannover . Hamburg . München: zB Trendset, bauma, M&T Expo, Bits & Pretzels, WETEX, Babini, ISPO Munich, Heim+Handwerk.

Video Live Stream Studio with Operator and Director

Kulturveranstaltungen im Live-Stream

EWE-Livestream | Premiere: Klaus-Peter Wolf liest aus seinem neuen Buch

Nachdem „Ostfriesenzorn“ im Frühjahr 2021 sofort zum Bestseller wurde, erschien im Juni schon Klaus-Peter Wolfs neues Buch „Rupert Undercover – Ostfriesische Jagd“. Klaus-Peter Wolf las erstmals daraus im Rahmen eines EWE-Livestreams. Die Lesung wurde musikalisch begleitet mit neuen Liedern von seiner Frau Bettina Göschl.

Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie kann es keine Veranstaltungen vor Ort in den EWE Shops geben. Das EWE-Veranstaltungsteam hat sich aus dem Grund überlegt, die Shop-Events nun im Livestream anzubieten.

Leistungen | In-House Training Video Live Streaming, Live-stream Services, Bildregie.

➜ Wir bauen ihr Livestream Studio wo Sie wollen
➜ Referenzen
video livestream control panel, technician and mobile studio

⏩ Livestream Studio Setup at Company Office

Support in making the shift from physical to online experience marketing

Enabling client to run virtual and hybrid events from their offices. Read More

LiveStream equipment, flexible backwall, buildup in office

Wir planen und bauen ein Live-Stream Studio wo Sie wollen

Individuell nach Ihren Wünschen ausgerichtet . schnell umsetzbar

Manchmal gibt es gute Gründe, warum eine Firmen-Livestream in Ihren eigenen Räumlichkeiten stattfinden soll. Büro, Labor, Firmengelände, Fabrik oder Lagerhalle – wir bauen mit modularen und leichtgewicht Komponenten ein professionelles Video-Streaming Studio, wohin Sie möchten. Wir beraten, konzipieren, planen und realisieren Ihr Vorhaben, temporär oder als ständige Einrichtung. Individuell an Ihre Wünsche anpassbar und skalierbar, gerne auch mit kleinem Technik-Besteck. Nutzen Sie die Freiheit, Dekore und Farben massgeschneidert produzieren zu lassen.

Pop-Up Studio

Wenn Sie eine ausgefallene Location im Blick haben, errichten wir das passende Livestream-Studio dort. Mit unserem Leichtgewicht-Setup und ausgewählter Crew kommen wir sogar zu Ihnen nach Hause – ins Home Office.

Das Erlebnis macht den Unterschied

Der strategische und kreative Ansatz definiert auch in der virtuellen Welt die Ziele, die man mit einer Veranstaltung erreichen möchte. Als kreative live Kommunikationsagentur bieten wir nicht nur technische, sondern auch inhaltliche Unterstützung. Vom Drehbuch und Storyboard, Erstellung und Produktion der Inhalte, die Einspieler und das Motion Design, über Dramaturgie und Bühnenbild, bis hin zum Catering der Teilnehmer und Coaching der Sprecher. Wir verfügen über das umfassende Know-How, um Ihre Streaming Ideen sowohl technisch als inhaltlich hochwertig und unterhaltsam umzusetzen. Dynamische Bildregie, theatrale Ausstattung, besonderes Lichtdesign, farbenfrohe Animationen, permanente Interaktionen: wir liefern Erlebnisse.

Lernen Sie uns kennen:

➜ Let’s Connect!

➜ Erklärvideo produzieren lassen

➜ Referenzen

Auf Sendung vom Ihrem Standort aus. | Mönchengladbach . Venlo . Neuss . Moers . Ratingen . Krefeld . Wesel . Roermond . Münster . Bielefeld . Essen . Bornheim . Wiesbaden . Kassel . Mülheim . Leverkussen . Wuppertal . Remscheid . Radevormwald . Solingen . Hagen . Bergisch Gladbach . Gütersloh
Wir bauen ein mobiles Livestream Studio für Webcast, Webinar oder Mitarbeiter-Training. | Gelsenkirchen . Hamm . Coburg . Bottrop . Witten . Cottbus . Homburg . Herne . Haan . Lippstadt . Emmerich . Arnhem . Duisburg . Menden . Neuss . Hilden . Kassel . Gummersbach . Siegen . Kalkar . Nimwegen . Hattingen . Schwerte.
Wir unterstützen Sie individuell und modular im Bereich Live-Streaming, Video, Virual Reality und Animationen, deutschlandweit | Marburg . Bielefeld . Hannover . Aurich . Bochum . Dortmund . Schwerin . Kiel . Rostock . Wismar . Bremen . Bremerhafen
Wir arbeiten mit modernster Technik, es können die unterschiedlichsten Konstellationen, Settings und Ideen umgesetzt werden.| Halle . Leverkussen . Lüdenscheid . Menden . Dorsten . Hamen . Lippstadt . Arnsberg . Paderborn . Magdeburg.

Blick auf Livestream Technik im mobiles Studio

Live Streaming Services for Online & Hybrid Events

DAILY BREAD’s Livestream Team

delivers fullservice livestream, podcast, video and audio production and broadcasting for online and hybrid events. Enabling digital access to your audiences for both internal and external communications, hasslefree and stable. When whished, the stream can be published on a local dedicated platform, to keep content protected.

Best of Both Worlds
DAILY BREAD offers executive video produktion as part of it’s portfolio, besides that we’re consultants and creators in live communication and experience marketing. So we can support in the technical field of a livestream studio and we can support in development and production of online event formats and content.

Your Content . You Rule
Publish live streams while keeping legal ownership of your content: employee chats, video, audio, presentation slides or CRM and sales knowhow. GDPR-conform (DGSVO), servers hosted in Germany. Each streaming session can be branded along your whishes, your corporate design.

Professional Equipment
All equipment has been selected for agility and flexibility, so we can come to almost any place you think of. Light recording equipment also create a more open studio-atmosphere, so people new to broadcasting are more at ease. The well-known heavy TV-cameras can be offered from our studio locations or in a larger studio build-ups in a studio.

All-around webcasting management

Employee event – Board meeting – Product launch – Press release – Digital Conference – Sales Support
We come to your office with team & equipment or you come to a venue or a studio that’s fitting to your needs.
Online only or at a safe venue setup with a selected audience. In close collaboration with clients, we’ve worked in proven concepts of hygienic care.

Interested to hear more about our dedicated services?

PHONE : +49 202 282 50

ask for Niklas Mohr

E-MAIL : Please contact me

Wir sprechen Deutsch . We spreken Nederlands

Live Streaming Production Services

Safe Venue Concept
Stage Setup
Corporate Branding
Online Event
Virtual Meeting
Live-Stream Studio
Pop-Up Studio
Content Creation
Event Concept
Project Management
Technical Planning
Video Direction
Sound Engineer
Video Mixer
Data Collecting
Content Management
All Equipment
Full HD


Servers located in Germany

➜ DAILY BREAD Contact Details

people standing in the form of a comic hero

💘 Community Building

DAILY BREAD Digital has developed an independent stand-alone social media platform structure

that can be used by firms and foundations as personalised communication, marketing- and sales tool. Community building software designed to reach out to fans, customers, members, channel partners, prospects and leads. Architected to be implemented in an existing communicationstrategy or customer loyalty program. Internal and external. B2B and B2C. Plug and Play.

Thinking about a strategy to keep social conversational data and knowhow within the company?

The digital platform that can be set-up online on the internet or plugged into an existing corporate intranet. With the possibility to be launched from an app for mobile devices and desktop computers. The platform can smoothly be fine-tuned along the needs of a brand, an event, a marketing campaign, product launch, target group, special interest community … you name it. In combination with our community builders and a row of tiny live events, the software can for instance be used as the communicative backbone of conversations, questions, answers, feedback and so on.

You have governance over all processed data.

Looking for a social media ecosystem for your brand message, marketing promotions and sales?

Our digital experts did in 2005 build a digital interactive system for use in business events and educational conferences, based on database-software. In 2011 we did launch the category hybrid event in Germany, collaborating with the consulting unit of global event agency VOK DAMS in Wuppertal. From there our agency continued to work from the social digital perspective.


➜ Let’s Connect

➜ Our People & Services

➜ Reference Project Tradeshow

Gala event dinner table with video mapping design - eventagency dailybread

Creative Technologies | Interactive Canvas


The table, icon for meetings, relaxed enjoyment and personal exchange, being used as canvas. Anything that creativity can imagine, can be beamed onto it. Moody visuals, inspiring sounds or special effects interacting with table guests or stand visitors. Video mapping and dinner event are melting together to sustainable brand communication. Interactive when wished. An excellent high-touch environmnent for a product presentation, brand world, gala business dinner or brainstorming boardmeeting.

Guests will experience :

° an innovative way of communication,
° a unique way of presentation,
° a splendid way to enjoy.

Behind the scene is inhouse developed creative technology. Customised for brand, event or any other occasion. Projection only, or interactive by gesturing.

Better than words and pictures is a live demo at a Daily Bread Office in Amsterdam, Hamburg, Berlin and Wuppertal or another place of your choice. See it, feel it, touch it.

➜ Let’s Connect!

➜ Another agency project: Mixed Social Media & Experience Marketing Campaign, social corporate responsibility

➜ Reference Projects

Let’s design an event for you. | Mönchengladbach . Venlo . Neuss . Moers . Ratingen . Krefeld . Wesel . Roermond . Münster . Bielefeld . Essen . Bornheim . Wiesbaden . Kassel . Mülheim . Leverkussen . Wuppertal . Remscheid . Radevormwald . Solingen . Hagen . Bergisch Gladbach . Gütersloh
We’ll build a mobile Livestream Studio for Webcast, Webinar, Employee or Sales Training. | Gelsenkirchen . Hamm . Coburg . Bottrop . Witten . Cottbus . Homburg . Herne . Haan . Lippstadt . Emmerich . Arnhem . Duisburg . Menden . Neuss . Hilden . Kassel . Gummersbach . Siegen . Kalkar . Nimwegen . Hattingen . Schwerte.
We’ll support you individually and modular in Live-Streaming, Video, Animation, Virtual Reality and Motion Media in | Marburg . Bielefeld . Magdeburg . Bochum . Dortmund . Schwerin . Rostock . Kiel . Bremerhafen – Bremen . Wismar
We work with state-of-the-art technology, all kind of sets and stages kan be produced.| Halle . Leverkussen . Lüdenscheid . Menden . Dorsten . Hamen . Lippstadt . Arnsberg . Paderborn.

Showcase concept development and software programming Dirk Hardenbicker Röntgen Museum

Interactive Content in Museum

Digital transformation: X-Ray museum

Transform the German Roentgen Museum, located in the house where the inventor of the X-Ray system, Wilhelm Röntgen, has been born, from an interesting science museum to an interactive experience landscape. Make content more attractive and interactive. Involve digital technologies in the exhibition.

The revollutionary X-Ray machine has been invented in a region that in those days of the industrial revolution could be seen as a Silicon Valley of Europe. Translated to nowaday, a digital transformation had to be developed and implemented. Architecture, planning and coding of complete back-end software and applications. Management of data-bases.

Client ROENTGEN MUSEUM | X-Ray Museum

artist impression of young audience sitting in genlox pods

GenloX Social Software

GenloX digital tools & apps for conference & event

GenloX Interactive Event System has been developed from scratch in 2005 for a series of educational medical congresses. The databased interactive software program was an early bird social network. The software system has continually been enhanced and has proven it has proven it’s value for both clients and participants in many events.

More than 1 million of physicians, managers, employees, stakeholders or customers have asked questions to speakers, teachers, management; did take part in polls, learned and interacted with each other. Medical education congress, international bankmanagers meeting, annual stakeholders conference – GenloX did IT all.

Now that the time has come for virtual and hybrid events, for software supported meetings, GenloX is ready to act. Fully operating in a data-governing mode, all generated data will be securely stored on servers operated by, or on behalf of, ordering clients.

Skyline New York, participants of the game could win a trip to this city

Serious Game B2B

Training Programme for Opticians, Optical Shop Owners and their Employees | ESSILOR

DAILY BREAD Amsterdam was asked to get Dutch opticians, optical shop owners and their teams motivated to improve the level of technical knowledge about Essilor products and stimulate sales of glasses.

Concepting and implementation of innovative, motivating training programme for Esilor B2B clients: shop owning opticians and their employees in the format of an interactive game “Hunt for unlimited vision”. This serious game could be played from an online platform and did challenge employees to get more detailed knowledge about products en services of Essilor. The game could be played anytime, by any individual separately, at a speed that fits best to personal circumstances. The optician-team with the highest score did win a trip to New York.

What we do too:

➜ Livestream Production, Studio Setup & Digital Events

➜ Social Media Campaign | Corporate Social Responsibility

➜ People & Compentences

➜ Let’s Connect

Video mapping bottle Absolut Vodka

Brand Activation | Trade Fair & Social Media

Brand Activation

Develop an experience world for the Pernod Ricard brands Absolut Vodka and Havana Club at the Venuez consumer trade fair in Amsterdam. Visitors of the fair should be given te opportunity to interact which the brands; products should play a backstage role. Move ahead from traditional tradefair booth concepts.

For both brands Rob de Otter and the BEYET DAILY BREAD team Amsterdam freshly drafted a unique, modern space for consumer engagement. The Absolut Vodka brand could be experienced in a competely white room where the brand was projected via 3D videomapping technology. The Havana Club brand could be experienced through an imagefilm projected on an interactive table with the BEYET technology. These emotionalising canvasses triggered visitors to film the content with their smartphones and post them on social media. Some of these visitor videos went viral on YouTube and anchored and sharpened the brand at a new target group. A nice example of trendsetting experience communication: a traditional live marketing format being extended and made to a source for user generated social media content.

Client: Pernod Ricard

What we do too:

➜ Livestream Production, Studio Setup & Digital Events

➜ Social Media Campaign | Corporate Social Responsibility

➜ People & Compentences

➜ Let’s Connect

Digital, Data & UX

Oliver Teuber


Think User Experience (UX) and Data

than you’ll think at DAILY BREAD with Oliver Teuber. Digital design specialist for strategy, evaluation and improvement of cross-channel, interactive digital communication. Digital architect of independent customer loyalty software and data analytic tools. Besides that a born tinkerer, inventing ingenious apparatus.

As software architect Teuber leads projects in web-design, customer loyalty platforms, e-mail marketing, dialogue marketing, CRM software, app-development and IT-structuring. Among his clients are  Golfrange, Deekeling Arndt Advisors, Miltenyi Biotec, Energie Agentur NRW and Janssen Cilag. That’s what built Oliver Teubers` profound knowledge on how to integrate technology, people and economy successfully. How to create innovation that works.

Linchpin of Teubers’ work in this process is the transformation of complex correlations and functions in most intuitive user interfaces. To manage this he drafts multifaceted interfaces for data exchange, develops responsive designs and strategies to make the user behaviour measurable. In doing so he helps himself with state-of-the-art technical possibilities. In case nothing helpful is available now Teuber eventually can invent it …

With Teuber we run the new unit DAILY SPECIAL | Kundenbindung neu gedacht

Brand Experience at Olympics

DSM, Unilever & Zilveren Kruis | Brand activation in “Holland Heineken House”, Olympic Games London 2012.

The Dutch Olympic Team is supported, among many others, by three companies: DSM, Unilever and Zilveren Kruis under the Name ‘Three Partners in Sport’. DAILY BREAD Amsterdam has been asked, to develop an impactful brand presence of the Partners at the London Olympics 2012. Standdesign, mediaproduction and visitors-engagement included.Read More

Internal Communication Concept | Change

‘Preferred Banking Challenge’ | ABN AMRO The Netherlands

A new way of working and a fresh marketing campaign has to be communicated to 1.200 sales employees gathered at five different locations throughout The Netherlands.

After robust intern reorganisational measures forced by negative effects of the banking crisis, the Amsterdam headquartered ABN AMRO bank had a rather grey image in The Netherlands. The high quality employees were personally influenced by that image and should gain back self-esteem and corporational pride. Through an innovative internal communication concept.

To bring a sparkling feeling in the organisation, an employee activating pre-event-campaign has been developed with Dutch TV journalist and presenter Erik Dijkstra in a starring role. He travelled through the country and visited ABN AMRO offices to interview employees and customers on their experiences. Further the level of local know-how was researched in a playful way.

The events and participants on different locations were being connected by social broadcasting. An all-together-now feeling was created by the life tv-show with possibiliies of interactivity and a quiz were groups had to solve a business case, developed from the interviews.

A project of Dutch partner De Otter Creators, Den Bosch

Sportscar Launch

Introduction Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 in Las Vegas

Create and produce an experience of excellence for the international Lamborghini car dealer network, press and VIP’s, based on the company lead ‘Always different, always Lamborghini’.

In a luxury tent between Mandalay Bay and the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, US, a special designed mega dining table is being set up for ‘The Banquet of the 21st Century’. The table functions as catwalk for a fashion show, gym for a spectaculair martial arts demonstration, to demonstrate the power, the performance of an opera singer to demonstrate elegance and joy and last but not least as stage for the Lamborghini CEO and his keynote speech. Innovative creative event technology took care of special lighting effects and interactivity between projected visuals and artists on the table and the Lamborghini Gallardo’s speeding around the tent. This event was part of a larger programm with, among others, a testdrive in the desert.


Project of Rob de Otter, De Otter Creators & DAILY BREAD Amsterdam’s BeyeT for VOK DAMS