Education & Training

LiveStream equipment, flexible backwall, buildup in office

Wir planen und bauen ein Live-Stream Studio wo Sie wollen

Individuell nach Ihren Wünschen ausgerichtet . schnell umsetzbar

Manchmal gibt es gute Gründe, warum eine Firmen-Livestream in Ihren eigenen Räumlichkeiten stattfinden soll. Büro, Labor, Firmengelände, Fabrik oder Lagerhalle – wir bauen mit modularen und leichtgewicht Komponenten ein professionelles Video-Streaming Studio, wohin Sie möchten. Wir beraten, konzipieren, planen und realisieren Ihr Vorhaben, temporär oder als ständige Einrichtung. Individuell an Ihre Wünsche anpassbar und skalierbar, gerne auch mit kleinem Technik-Besteck. Nutzen Sie die Freiheit, Dekore und Farben massgeschneidert produzieren zu lassen.

Pop-Up Studio

Wenn Sie eine ausgefallene Location im Blick haben, errichten wir das passende Livestream-Studio dort. Mit unserem Leichtgewicht-Setup und ausgewählter Crew kommen wir sogar zu Ihnen nach Hause – ins Home Office.

Das Erlebnis macht den Unterschied

Der strategische und kreative Ansatz definiert auch in der virtuellen Welt die Ziele, die man mit einer Veranstaltung erreichen möchte. Als kreative live Kommunikationsagentur bieten wir nicht nur technische, sondern auch inhaltliche Unterstützung. Vom Drehbuch und Storyboard, Erstellung und Produktion der Inhalte, die Einspieler und das Motion Design, über Dramaturgie und Bühnenbild, bis hin zum Catering der Teilnehmer und Coaching der Sprecher. Wir verfügen über das umfassende Know-How, um Ihre Streaming Ideen sowohl technisch als inhaltlich hochwertig und unterhaltsam umzusetzen. Dynamische Bildregie, theatrale Ausstattung, besonderes Lichtdesign, farbenfrohe Animationen, permanente Interaktionen: wir liefern Erlebnisse.

Lernen Sie uns kennen:

➜ Let’s Connect!

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➜ Referenzen

Auf Sendung vom Ihrem Standort aus. | Mönchengladbach . Venlo . Neuss . Moers . Ratingen . Krefeld . Wesel . Roermond . Münster . Bielefeld . Essen . Bornheim . Wiesbaden . Kassel . Mülheim . Leverkussen . Wuppertal . Remscheid . Radevormwald . Solingen . Hagen . Bergisch Gladbach . Gütersloh
Wir bauen ein mobiles Livestream Studio für Webcast, Webinar oder Mitarbeiter-Training. | Gelsenkirchen . Hamm . Coburg . Bottrop . Witten . Cottbus . Homburg . Herne . Haan . Lippstadt . Emmerich . Arnhem . Duisburg . Menden . Neuss . Hilden . Kassel . Gummersbach . Siegen . Kalkar . Nimwegen . Hattingen . Schwerte.
Wir unterstützen Sie individuell und modular im Bereich Live-Streaming, Video, Virual Reality und Animationen, deutschlandweit | Marburg . Bielefeld . Hannover . Aurich . Bochum . Dortmund . Schwerin . Kiel . Rostock . Wismar . Bremen . Bremerhafen
Wir arbeiten mit modernster Technik, es können die unterschiedlichsten Konstellationen, Settings und Ideen umgesetzt werden.| Halle . Leverkussen . Lüdenscheid . Menden . Dorsten . Hamen . Lippstadt . Arnsberg . Paderborn . Magdeburg.

Showcase concept development and software programming Dirk Hardenbicker Röntgen Museum

Interactive Content in Museum

Digital transformation: X-Ray museum

Transform the German Roentgen Museum, located in the house where the inventor of the X-Ray system, Wilhelm Röntgen, has been born, from an interesting science museum to an interactive experience landscape. Make content more attractive and interactive. Involve digital technologies in the exhibition.

The revollutionary X-Ray machine has been invented in a region that in those days of the industrial revolution could be seen as a Silicon Valley of Europe. Translated to nowaday, a digital transformation had to be developed and implemented. Architecture, planning and coding of complete back-end software and applications. Management of data-bases.

Client ROENTGEN MUSEUM | X-Ray Museum

Make Everyone move forward together

The ability to compete in a rapidly changing market depends on whether a company is able to innovate constantly and effectively. It`s becoming increasingly important to know how to bring diverse minds to the table and break down silos.

Take advantage of the unique knowledge and competences of your employees.
Ask the right questions and they could come up with outstanding solutions. Bundle the strengts within your company or organisation and new answers will arise.

Small measures can liberate employees to contribute their best.
DAILY BREAD creative technologies offers companies in need of transformation the social dialogue app KNOWHOW. The interactive software can be plugged into a corporate internal communication system.
KNOWHOW is supported by a communication concept developed to fulfill innovation needs and reach strategic goals.
KNOWHOW is social software to strengthen employee engagement.

If everyone is moving forward together,
then success takes care of itself

Henry Ford

artist impression of young audience sitting in genlox pods

GenloX Social Software

GenloX digital tools & apps for conference & event

GenloX Interactive Event System has been developed from scratch in 2005 for a series of educational medical congresses. The databased interactive software program was an early bird social network. The software system has continually been enhanced and has proven it has proven it’s value for both clients and participants in many events.

More than 1 million of physicians, managers, employees, stakeholders or customers have asked questions to speakers, teachers, management; did take part in polls, learned and interacted with each other. Medical education congress, international bankmanagers meeting, annual stakeholders conference – GenloX did IT all.

Now that the time has come for virtual and hybrid events, for software supported meetings, GenloX is ready to act. Fully operating in a data-governing mode, all generated data will be securely stored on servers operated by, or on behalf of, ordering clients.

Two guys on skateboards at an Amsterdam Highway, town by a Opel Adam car

Product Launch & Sales Training

Creation & Production B2B Sales Event for Opel NL

Develop three innovative concepts to sell Opel car model Adam to new target groups, put brand- and product experience at the heart of the introduction campaign. Organise car launch events, develop a five-day sales training concept for car dealers and fleetowners, integrate social media.

Insight: To sell Opel Adam to a new, millennial target group, car dealers and sales persons have to get acquinted with new ways of thinking, they must “Umparken im Kopf“. An ‘Adam pop-up store’ has been developed where Opel Adam was presented to the management of dealers and fleetowners in The Netherlands.
Events were enabling managers to get a feeling for the new urban target groups, enabling to look through their eyes. A tantalizing video clip shows two Amsterdam skateboarders daringly skate Opel Adam.

A project of Dutch partner Rob de Otter / de Otter Creators

Sales Innovation . Experience Communication Format

Experience Communication Format . Creation & Production | AVÉRO ACHMEA

Develop a concept for an internal communication campaign for the insurance company’s consultants to introduce new brand values to them and have these effectively implemented.

The consultants play an important role in the customer journey and are able to create long lasting positive customer experiences. The new brand value information has to be transmitted in a way the employees will act according to them driven from within.

In the runner-up period to a large gathering, an online platform has been developed where employees could inform themselves about the changes to come. Furthermore a chain of high-impact activations were organised where employees individually could exerience the new brand values.

After all events and interactions, employees gave the feedback, they’ve the new values in their blood and could independently use them in all working circumstances.

Retail Shop Managers Congress Event for E-Plus

B2B Customer Engagement

E-Plus Gruppe | Base Partner Shop Conference ‘The Day of the Truth’ | Award Winner B2B Event.

With a real boxing fight, E-Plus showed it’s retail shop partners on “The Day of the Truth” that together they are in the right corner of the boxing ring. Heart and highlight of the event was a real fight with Maurice Weber – a professional boxer from the team of World Champion Felix Sturm. Prior to the event, partner shop managers could apply for the fight on a dedicated online platform. Two candidates were shortlisted and trained at the gym of the Sturm team for one week.

Popular German boxing ring announcer Roman Roell hosted the fight and the event, together with Sonja Kraus.

All programme elements were integrated in the event format of a boxing fight, including sales support congress, press conference, exhibition and party.

Skyline New York, participants of the game could win a trip to this city

Serious Game B2B

Training Programme for Opticians, Optical Shop Owners and their Employees | ESSILOR

DAILY BREAD Amsterdam was asked to get Dutch opticians, optical shop owners and their teams motivated to improve the level of technical knowledge about Essilor products and stimulate sales of glasses.

Concepting and implementation of innovative, motivating training programme for Esilor B2B clients: shop owning opticians and their employees in the format of an interactive game “Hunt for unlimited vision”. This serious game could be played from an online platform and did challenge employees to get more detailed knowledge about products en services of Essilor. The game could be played anytime, by any individual separately, at a speed that fits best to personal circumstances. The optician-team with the highest score did win a trip to New York.

What we do too:

➜ Livestream Production, Studio Setup & Digital Events

➜ Social Media Campaign | Corporate Social Responsibility

➜ People & Compentences

➜ Let’s Connect