💉 Brands pro Vaccination
Are we the only ones actually changing a brand claim?
In less than a week over 150 international brands did confirm their support. antoni did create a visually attractive mock-up of changed brand claims with call-to-action,
published nicely animated campaign essentials and a pulsating video on their website, did send out press-releases and the campaign messages were quickly shared among marketers and communiation pro’s. So fas so good.
On social media platforms frequented by German journalists, advertising, marketing and PR professionals, like LinkedIn and Twitter, the campaign hyped. Although opinions in our agency on the matter ‘Corona virus measures’ differ, we all think of corona vaccination as an important opportunity to prevent further lockdowns, so we did retext our own brand claim:
Naturally we did exchange the official claim on our website frontpage by the #BrandsagainstCorona claim and than, out of curiousity, did check some websites from brands mentioned by antoni. We did find not one claim-change. Okay, maybe not on their websites, but on their social media accounts … nope. Not one updated profile. What we did find was, that brands and organisations had tweets, messages and posts created with the pimp(f)ed brand claim and that these redesigned brandclaim cards gained millions of views on social media.
We now wonder – to what kind of a campaign did we in fact commit? Will the antoni campaign reach people who are not (yet) vaccinated? Or are we, as a marketing communications agency, part of the target group? Do we possibly notice aspects of brand activation and self-flattering within our branche? Will the supporting brands actually change claims on websites, packaging, social media profiles et al, so people visiting online or in real, buying products, will read the re-imaginated claims and get a positive swing too? Or is antoni’s aim to only use the changed claims as content for social media posts? Social selling for brands taking part?
UPDATE 28.12.2021 – German Publisher Ippen Media actually does publish on their high ranking online frontpage their opinion to vaccination.
- Ippen Media Website Change
UPDATE 15.01.2022 – In Austria the Brand ‘Manner Wien‘ actually did produce a Limited Edition of their waffle with call-to-action to get vaccinated.
- Manner Wien “Vaccinating one just likes” – “Impfen mag man eben”
Were are the courageous marketing directors and CEO’s that will follow?
The Power of Freedom to Vaccinate
antoni, omnicom, mercedes-benz, vodafone, bmw, burger king, nivea, kaufland and all other brands now united, do have an extraordinary pool of social media – and customer relations data at their disposal. Their data-analysts must be able to target people or groups who are in doubt about a coronavirus vaccination pretty precise. Untill now it doesn’t seem that programmatic advertising tools have been used.
We kindly suggest to optimise the campaign and bring it to the next level. As next step will be reached out to people that are not vaccinated, no matter the reason. Well digestable, high-quality information is devastatingly missing in public communication campaigns untill now. Campaigns with the power of big brand advertising, now communicating a societal message. All advertisers, marketers, PR-Pro’s and media managers united under #brandsagainstcorona are able to create well written, well designed informative and communicative fact based content in digital, print, motion media and experience formats. To spread this information with the bundled power that the united brands have to spread their commercial messages,
that’s what we whish for the year 2022
DAILY BREAD Blog April 2020: ➜ Earlier #brandsagainstcorona campaigns and brand rewrites
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