Strategy & Concept

Trends 2023

Predictions für 2023


nextMedia Hamburg, die Standortinitiative für die Hamburger Medien- und Digitalwirtschaft, blickt in die Zukunft der relevantesten Technologien, Innovationen und Entwicklungen der Content-Branche.
In sieben Entwicklungsfeldern geben jeweils nationale und internationale Expert*innen eine Prognose ab, was Nutzer*innen und Anbieter*innen im neuen Jahr 2023 erwartet.

Corporate Publishing

1. Diversity in investigative journalism
2. Nachhaltigkeit + Daten
3. Bedürfnisorientiertes Storytelling
4. The new generation of readers

Digital Marketing

1. Social Commerce
2. KI im Marketing
3. Value Based Marketing


1. Daten + Content = ❤
2. Audio Branding – für Gen Z ein kritischer Erfolgsfaktor
3. Professionalisierung des Podcastmarkts


1. AR: Vom Toy zum Tool
2. Die Dominanz der Plattformen


1. Virtual Production
2. Synthetische Medien
3. Formatentwicklung

Creator Economy

1. Virtual Influencer
2. Communities statt Sinus-Milieus
3. Die TikTokisierung der Social Plattformen


1. Technisch nichts neues, kulturell alles anders!
2. Buzzword oder Gamechanger?

➜ nextMedia Predictions 2023

Banner mit 3D Hashtag in Regenbogenfarben und Slogan "Forschen ist Neugier" #wonachsuchstdu

Science Communication Campaign | Strategy & Concept

Questions are Changing the World

Project for, and in close collaboration with, Max Planck Society together with staging design agency onliveline. Our task was to develop an overall communication strategy and -concept for the jubilee year communication campaign with the goal to make more visible how diverse the actual work of Max Planck Society in Germany is. Giving a broad audience and different target groups a feeling for the variety of projects and for the broad range of research topics of Max Planck Society. Introduce them to science as something possibly making fun.

The choice was for a mix of methods and channels, usable live, in print, online and in social media by both the communications department of Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) in Munich and stakeholders from over 80 institutes in different cities. The communication slogan Forschen ist Neugier with Call-to-Action #wonachsuchstdu has been developed as central common theme. Every institute could use slogan and hashtag for it’s own events, create it’s own website and so produce content under an slogan, hashtag and campaign visual. YouTube Influencer have been selected and asked to cooperate, pushing the Max Planck YouTube Channel to a new level.

YouTube Influencer have been selected to go on a tour through Germany and to create clips, pushing the Max Planck YouTube Channel to a new level.

The campaign is usable over a longer period, can be paused and revived.

Client: Onliveline / Max Planck Society

➜ Campaign Website Max Planck Gesellschaft

➜ Another agency project: Explainer Video ‘Energy Cloud’

➜ Tradeshow Booth & Virtual Reality

➜ Livestream Studio & Online Event Services


➜ Article: Pushing the Max Planck YouTube Channel With the Help of Influencers. Frontiers in Communication

➜ Article (in German) – Wissenschaftskommunikation:Hardcore-Grundlagenthemen sind auch mit Influencer*innen schwer zu kommunizieren

Scientist showing an chemical experiment at outdoor laboratorium

Science Communication, Meetings and Events /
Wissenschaftskommunikation, Max Planck Tag und Aktionen in:

  • München, Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Magdeburg, Jena, Marburg
  • Münster, Leipzig, Mainz, Potsdam, Plön, Erlangen
  • Rostock Freiburg Greifswald Dortmund Heidelberg Göttingen.
  • Berlin Düsseldorf Köln Frankfurt Bonn Stuttgart Hannover
  • Halle (Saale), Hamburg Garching Martinsried Seewiesen
  • Nijmegen (Netherlands/EU), Florence (Italy/EU), Rome (Italy/EU), Jupiter (Florida/US)

Pictures from:
#wohnachsuchstdu Website MPG Berlin
Unser Max-Planck-Tag Bildern – MPI Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Event Website MPG Mühlheim
Schiller Schule Hannover – Max Planck Tag
MPG Münster – Flying Professors

Veranstaltungsmotto Rudelsummen

Outdoor Consumer Information Event

e-Mobility Family Day | EWE AG

German Foundation Bund Deutsche Energie-Wirtschaft BDEW, the voice of German Energy Utilities, yearly organises the Actionday Electromobility. This is to showcase the input of energy utilities in shaping the German Energytransition or Energiewende.EWE AG, a large community owned utility rooted in Northern Germany, did perform the Familyday of eMobiltiy in Leer. A show-programm moderated by Panagiota Petridou and the possibility of live testing a diverse range of electric vehicles.

DAILY BREAD Hamburg did support EWE in the fields of content development, event concept, cross-media design and print.


➜ Live-streaming & Online Event Services

➜ Reference Projects

➜ Let’s Connect

Tradeshow booth in white with white light tube frame

Trade Show Booth & Media Design

Tradefair Booth Concept & Design, Motion Media & Communication | EWE AG

EWE AG is a hidden champion among Germany’s leading energy and telecommunication utilities, fast forwarding to the future without much a do. DAILY BREAD stood for the initial booth design idea, communication strategy and concept, visual design, content development, video production, creation and project-management.

The booth has been designed to initiate communication and exchange. It offers ‘come on’, ‘explore’, ‘flow through’, ‘get connected’ and ‘take a seat’ incentives from all sides. The open coffee-bar concept in the middle, with thematic isles at the sides and a private business room at the back, framed by innovative thin-lined white lightning tubes, gives the stand a welcoming open, informational, comfortable stay-a-while atmosphere as well as business dealing opportunities. The booth has been praised for that aspects of the concept and for it’s visual communication design.

Another agency project ➜ Social Media Campaign
Reference Projects ➜
Let’s Connect ➜
picture Birgit Kriesche managing partner

Strategy & Concept

Birgit Kriesche

Only integrated thinking from the very start, brings projects forward sustainably

Creative strategist Birgit Kriesche excels when a multy layered mission comes her way. A curious analyst who combines a solid package of experience with crispy views and inter-disciplinary thinking. An insight driven consultant with a proven track record of creative, innovative projects, concepts and strategies that have out-performed in practice.

Clients cover a wide field of regional, national and international corporations and organisations. From Daimler Trucks, Networked Energy Services, MSD Sharp & Dohme, Brillux, Hannover Messe and Commerzbank to public broadcaster WDR, Sculpture Park Tony Cragg and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westfalia.

Birgit Kriesche’s work has been honoured with several awards among which a Bronze Nail from Art Directors Club Germany, a Gala Award from the American Event Industry and a Golden Apple from the Corporate Communications Association Germany, with projects for Swisscom, Ball Packaging, EWE, E-Plus and Volkswagen AG.

Birgit Kriesche is founding partner of DAILY BREAD Communications with her company Xcellence Kommunikation und Medienmanagement GmbH Wuppertal.

Career Highlights and Achievements:

  • Founding Managing Director – VOK DAMS Consulting, Member Board of Directors VOK DAMS Gesellschaft für Kommunikation Wuppertal
  • Group Head Concept, Content & Motion Media – VEGA Medien AG
  • Head Production Film & Video – A.V.S. Media Network

Employee Engagement | Incentive

Randstad Employees Day

Develop a theme for a day where 5000 Dutch Randstad employees can meet and have fun as a “thank you” to them from the company. The gathering event should give a boost to brand connectedness, employee engagement and collegeality. Produce the programme.

As central mission for the corporate event the slogan: ‘Randstad Challenge’ was chosen for both brand and employees. One of the employee engagement actions was centred around the vision and mission of Randstad. Employees were asked to read into the subject and put their impression in keywords. These personal wordings were printed on T-Shirts for each employee individually, to wear at the Randstad Challenge Day.