
Veranstaltungsmotto Rudelsummen

Outdoor Consumer Information Event

e-Mobility Family Day | EWE AG

German Foundation Bund Deutsche Energie-Wirtschaft BDEW, the voice of German Energy Utilities, yearly organises the Actionday Electromobility. This is to showcase the input of energy utilities in shaping the German Energytransition or Energiewende.EWE AG, a large community owned utility rooted in Northern Germany, did perform the Familyday of eMobiltiy in Leer. A show-programm moderated by Panagiota Petridou and the possibility of live testing a diverse range of electric vehicles.

DAILY BREAD Hamburg did support EWE in the fields of content development, event concept, cross-media design and print.


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Graphic Direction

Timo Weiner

Timo Weiner is the graphic design cornerstone of the DAILY BREAD team. Solid and fresh, a rare combination. All our visual projects land on his desk, may it be a general brand fresh-up, print brochure or flyer for a product-launch, panel for an exhibit or a point-of-sale. You have something vaguely in mind? He get’s it.